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So, it all starts now

Writer's picture: Caren Wenqing YeCaren Wenqing Ye

When I first visited ITP for its thesis presentation during my senior year (2017) at Wesleyan, I was fascinated by the ability of interactive media to both expand artistic expression and combine the humanities and technology. After working for two years in a tech start-up, a creative marketing design agency, and an interaction design studio, I fully understand the importance of creative direction within different industries, and hope to apply what I’ve learned to potential courses related with computation at ITP.

I'm interested in creating computational drawings which will incorporate my illustration and generative graphics, something like a man-machine collaborative project. In this way, computation is able to be an expressive, playful, and humorous tool, and a strong conveyor of a message. I believe the future of art lies in its ability to merge the immersive powers of modern technology and the finesse and emotive capacities of fine art.

an illustration of mine, "Chewing Land", Digital Drawing on iPad, 2019

I'm really inspired by this Los Angeles-based artist called Matthias Dörfelt, who believes in a media arts practice that favors spontaneity over streamlining and hopes that his works contribute to shape our relationship to machines in a similar way.

This is a project he did in 2012 as an attempt to combine his old interest in illustration with programing to create something procedural that has a truly individual artistic touch to it and is not instantly recognizable as a generative art piece. Even though, the faces look hand-drawn, they are entirely expressed by algorithmic rules. Each face is random, each face is unique. Still, they look similar to his actual hand drawn faces.

Weird Faces Study has been programed in Java Script using the great PaperJSlibrary.

Weird Faces Study, Matthias Dörfelt, 2012

a link to his world:

My first sketch:

At first I wanted to create a butterfly-like

creature, like the one I sketched on paper.

However, at this point, I found it hard to do and doing this by hand or using adobe creative suites would be much easier.

I don't think computation is meant to make the similar things which other digital art tools already been making for so many years. I'm hoping to figure the nature of it and explore more of its capacities.(for some magic)

Also, I shouldn't trust the autosave function, which failed to save my sketch, so I actually did it twice. It's ok. I remembered most lines so writing the same codes for the second time was almost like finger massaging.

a failed wing

This is when I tried to make a wing with a tilted ellipse but I searched on google for methods and didn't find what I want. So I guess learning coding is also about learning how to search for the right keywords.

So, there are much morrrrrrrrre to come, and it all starts here.

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